Look to the past to reflect on the future! With this spirit, it is intended to show two projects developed in the University of Navarra by 2nd year students of the Degree in Design.
The first project consists of a prospecting view into the future. The goal of an agency - hypothetically named ‘UN’ - is to design the foremost fashion collection to be dressed in space, specifically designed for a trip to Venus, as if received a direct commitment from Elon Musk himself.
The second project is a retrospective look into the past. The starting point is the ‘Triadic Ballet’ by Oskar Schlemmer at the Bauhaus, a whimsical piece that helps to think on how physical space can be transformed from the interaction with human being’s movements. Despite being a ballet with more than 100 years of history, the idea is to perform a contemporary reinterpretation of it, focused on the design of the costume itself, the scenery and the exhibition event.
Both projects have points in common, despite their obvious differences: both are approached from sustainability and collective spirit. In short, it is about learning from our past to design the present and project ourselves in the future!