Discover how to turn your designs into physical objects with Fab Lab tools

Digital manufacturing allows large-scale versions of digital objects to be created using successive layers of material to achieve the desired form. As part of Bilbao Bizkaia Design Week, we want to give different artists, designers and creators an introduction to ways of using this tool to create new visual forms and narratives.
Design—and the role of the designer—is evolving and adapting to a new digitised world. In this context a new type of creator is emerging, questioning the way consumer goods are manufactured and how consumers relate to their products. Fab Lab Bilbao (Espacio Open's digital creation and manufacture workshop) will help you turn your designs into physical objects almost instantly with 3D design tools and laser cutting. No prior experience is required and at the end of the workshop, you can take your creation home with you.
The concept of distributed design leads us into new and uncharted territory where an object can "travel" digitally across the world, to be altered, improved upon, adapted and shared by different online and face-to-face communities, using technology as a tool of creative expression and social transformation. Discover the potential of the Fab Lab to turn your shapes into objects with simple tools. Add digital to your tool kit and mix it up with some improbable items. Do It Yourself. Do It Together. Open registration.