During the closing ceremony of the Bilbao Bizkaia Design Week, we will invite everyone who has made this week possible to share a moment of reflection and encounter with Andrés Jaque, architect and thinker who, in his work, explores the role of architecture in the construction of societies.
In addition we will have the opportunity to learn about a number of success cases in our region, presented directly by their lead players, DOT and NTS.
Andrés Jaque
Andrés Jaque is an architect, writer, and curator internationally renown as the initiator of an interscalar and transmedium approach to architectural design. He is the founder of the Office for Political Innovation, a New York/Madrid-based architectural practice, working at the intersection of design, research, and critical environmental practices.
He has been awarded with the Frederick Kiesler Prize, the most important distinction celebrating trajectories in the boundaries of art and architecture, the Silver Lion to the Best Project of the 14 Biennale di Venezia, and the Dionisio Hernández Gil Prize to the intervention on historical enclaves; and his work is part of the collection of MoMA in New York and the Art Institute of Chicago, among many others major museums around the world.
Andrés Jaque is the Director of Columbia University, Advanced Architectural Design Program –a legendary architectural innovation lab that has shaped the evolution of architecture in the last three decades–. His publications include ‘Superpowers of Scale’ (2019), ‘Mies y la Gata Niebla: Ensayos sobre arquitectura y cosmopolítica (2019), Transmaterial Politics (2017), ‘PHANTOM. Mies as Rendered Society’ (2013), ‘Transmaterial/Calculable’ (2017), ‘Dulces Arenas Cotidianas’ (2013), ‘Different Kinds of Water Pouring into a Swimming Pool’ (2013), ‘Superpowers of Ten’ (2016), ‘Melnikov. Car-park for 1000 vehicles’ (2004), ‘Ciudad’ (2005), ‘Piensa Madrid’ (2009) and ‘Everyday Politics’ (2011).
Olatz Ibarretxe
Co-founder and Creative Director at DOT S.coop
As Creative Director at DOT S.Coop., Olatz brings a broad experience in design and branding, having led design projects for clients in sectors including retail, automotive, insurance services, education, and government. Her expertise lies in making ideas tangible through the creation of striking visual representations, adding beauty and meaning to concepts, digital prototypes, storytelling pieces and innovative products. Olatz’s exciting background in communication and design enables her to digest chaotic briefings and complex projects and translate it into simpler, clearer, and more beautiful stories for companies and users to absorb and engage. She is also a lecturer on ‘Food Trends and Culinary Innovation’ at the Basque Culinary Center, a pioneering academic institution worldwide.
DOT S. Coop is a worker owned cooperative-business based in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain, founded in 2013. We are an international business innovation firm focused on social intrapreneurship and innovative design with a vast international experience in in countries like Spain, Portugal, Germany, India, China, South Korea, Mauritania and Kenya. We connect the DOTs and put design at the heart of our work.
We help your organization innovate and deliver cutting-edge products and services into the market, creating meaningful impact in the world. DOT is an award winning business innovation firm with a vast experience on intrapreneurship and social innovation projects with companies like: Coca-Cola, Eroski, Danone, JCDecaux, AXA, Fagor, Philips Design, Iberdrola, Suez Water – Aguas de Barcelona, Fundación COTEC, Basque Culinary Center, Barcelona Activa, Pernod Ricard and Orbea. The products and services we have designed have an impact in millions of people and households worldwide. Over the year we have also gathered a great experience in Changemaker education: Together with Mondragon University we co-developed the MINN program International Executive Master program on Intrapreneurship and Open Innovation in Europe, China, South Korea and India and had a key role at the deisgn and implementation of LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation), the only official bachelor degree in Europe on Entrepreneurship. We have developed different training programs and bootcamps with universities such as Deusto, Basque Culinary Center, Salamanca, Almería, La Laguna. We have also worked with the ILO (International Labor Organization) in Mauritania and with UNICEF in Kenya and Somalia running education programs to foster social entrepreneruship.
Oskar Santamaría
Co-founder and Design Strategy Director at DOT S.coop
As Design Strategy Director at DOT S.Coop, Oskar is focused on helping companies in their innovation management, portfolio development, market positioning strategies, trend identification, customer experience, product design and the creation of meaningful brands. As an industrial designer he is devoted to those little big details that make the difference. He always looks for ways of innovating on products and services while understanding trends. He has been involved in several projects for companies like Eroski, Iberdrola, Suez Water – Aguas de Barcelona, Pernod Ricard, Obe Hettich, Bellota and Orbea.
He has a great strategic thinking ability to listen and interpret what each single company and brand needs. His empathy for their challenges and aspirations enables him to craft custom solutions unique and fitting both in character and content. He asks sensible yet challenging questions which always push the content further and lift projects and clients to a new level.
He is also a lecturer on ‘Food Design’ at the Basque Culinary Center, a pioneering academic institution worldwide.
DOT S. Coop is a worker owned cooperative-business based in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain, founded in 2013. We are an international business innovation firm focused on social intrapreneurship and innovative design with a vast international experience in in countries like Spain, Portugal, Germany, India, China, South Korea, Mauritania and Kenya. We connect the DOTs and put design at the heart of our work.
We help your organization innovate and deliver cutting-edge products and services into the market, creating meaningful impact in the world. DOT is an award winning business innovation firm with a vast experience on intrapreneurship and social innovation projects with companies like: Coca-Cola, Eroski, Danone, JCDecaux, AXA, Fagor, Philips Design, Iberdrola, Suez Water – Aguas de Barcelona, Fundación COTEC, Basque Culinary Center, Barcelona Activa, Pernod Ricard and Orbea. The products and services we have designed have an impact in millions of people and households worldwide. Over the year we have also gathered a great experience in Changemaker education: Together with Mondragon University we co-developed the MINN program International Executive Master program on Intrapreneurship and Open Innovation in Europe, China, South Korea and India and had a key role at the deisgn and implementation of LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation), the only official bachelor degree in Europe on Entrepreneurship. We have developed different training programs and bootcamps with universities such as Deusto, Basque Culinary Center, Salamanca, Almería, La Laguna. We have also worked with the ILO (International Labor Organization) in Mauritania and with UNICEF in Kenya and Somalia running education programs to foster social entrepreneruship.
Josebah Espeso
Josebah Espeso has worked as a screenwriter and coordinator on ETB programmes, including Goenkale, Vaya Semanita, Euskolegas and Euskadi Directo. He has also written series for Antena 3 and Telecinco, which only the biggest TV addicts, of a certain age, will remember. That was before, now it is... more digital. He develops branded content for clients including Athletic, LaboralKutxa, LKS, Osakidetza, Clínica Baviera, University of Deusto, Dominion, Iberdrola, Eroski and... Oh yes! NTS.
He has even presented projects for series for Movistar and HBO.
This is what he does and this is what he dreams about.
Carlos Polo
Tudela, 1977
A Computer Engineer graduate from the University of Deusto with postgraduate studies in entrepreneurship and innovation at the Babson College of Boston and Deusto Business School.
He started his professional career as a consultant with Pricewaterhouse Coopers and IBM in Madrid. Before reaching the age of 25, he had set up his first company, NTS, a company for the development and integration of software solutions, currently employing 120 engineers, and which mostly works with companies from the IBEX35.
After some years of growth and a number of awards (Toribio Echevarría award for entrepreneurial excellence, for 3 years running the international BlackBerry innovation award and nomination for the MIT TR35 awards), he decided to diversify his business and launched Doocuments, raising around €1,000,000 of private investment. This was later closed (his first failure), followed by Perpetuall, his second failure, attracting the confidence of investors such as Banco Sabadell and MW Ventures, a small venture capital investment fund for software companies at the initial stages which today holds a number of companies on its portfolio with huge potential for growth.
In 2016 he launched a venture into the food industry, Salsa Bastarda (the Cantabrian fishermen's Tabasco sauce).
He combines business with a teaching post at the faculty of engineering of the University of Deusto and at the Basque Culinary Centre. And he has promised that "Los canallas del Cuarto Cuadrante", his first book on innovation and the creation of startups (www.loscanallasdelcuartocuadrante.com) will not be the last…